Selling Your Home: Step 1

So you’ve made the decision that you want to sell your home and move. Now what? What’s the first step in the process? The first step is to make the necessary repairs and renovations.

1. Determine the age of various items that might need to be replaced.

If you’ve purchased your home in the past few years, check your home records or seller’s disclosure for the age or last repair of big items (roof, HVAC system, water heater, gutters), or dig up copies of your own maintenance records or receipts.

2. Do a walk-through of your own home

Time for you to play investigator. Look for signs of damage to your home that might drag down its value. Go room by room

3. Bring in the professionals

Once you’ve done your own walk-through, you may want to have a pro take a second look. These people can spot flaws you overlooked, because either you’re used to them or you didn’t realize they could cause trouble. You can enlist a Realtor or hire a home inspector to do an inspection (or pre-inspection) to pinpoint problems from bad wiring to outdated plumbing.

4. Decide what needs renovating

Remember, real estate is an investment! Focus on fix-its that are less susceptible to personal preferences that buyers like to know are in good shape.


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